Styling for the Season


Hey mama’s, this one’s for you -

Let’s chat about designing and styling your home for this season of life, the season of the littles running around leaving a trail of toys and crumbs behind them, the sticky peanut butter fingers all over our tables and spilled drinks on our favorite rugs.

It’s here, it’s happening so let’s enjoy it.

This space we’ve created, this home - let’s remember it’s theirs too.

I strive to create spaces around our personal home that makes our little one feel welcomed, a space for us to share with her - our two worlds becoming one. We parted with our coffee table when she was a few months old and recently replaced it with a little wooden sensory table with a stool, a space for Isla to play and for us to use for drinks, occasionally. Mainly we draw, dream and play there. We’ve minimized things on our shelves, adjusted the height of the breakables and added her little wooden toys to the spots she can reach. We’ve emptied out a cabinet in the dining room for her pots and pans too so she can play “kitchen” while we’re cooking. 

I love designing shared spaces, get creative and use what you have like old plant pots or candle holders for crayons, fill baskets with small toys or blocks, lower hooks so your little one can help themselves to their favorite raincoat or bath towel.

There’s fun in creating spaces for us and our littles to love and grow in together, we just have to get creative.

Find cute toys that are easy to design with - wooden toys in fun baskets or bowls work great on shelves in common areas.
— Designer Tip